Shoot The Centerfold is pleased to announce our brand new seminar/ workshop January 27 – 29, 2012 in Miami Beach, Florida at the Shelbourne Hotel and Little River Studios.
Preferred hotel room rates.
• We have reserved a preferred hotel room block for our attendees. Please contact Jon (305) 389-7698 for more information and deals.
Join us in celebrating our one-year anniversary! By attending our Shoot The Centerfold seminar / Workshop. You will learn from legendary photographers:
1. Advanced lighting techniques and demo with Arny Freytag
Arny is best known for his intricate use of light. Don’t be intimidated by your lighting, learn the simplest way to use light effectively and efficiently. Learn from the Master!
2. Intermediate lighting techniques and demo with Jarmo Pohjaniemi
Not everyone has 15 lights. Let Jarmo show you how to get that professional look with a simple, yet effective, lighting set up. Learn how to mix strobe and daylight together to get that “natural” look. Jarmo is a master at this technique!
3. Basic lighting techniques with Ric Moore
Ric has traveled the world shooting in all situations requiring him to be creative, even in tight locations. Not everyone has access to sets or large locations. Learn how to get the most out of a three- or four-light set up that will fit in your home, hotel or location and get the most out of what you have to work with.
4. Learn how to direct and pose your models
This is an area where photographers need the most help. We constantly hear, “Well, you guys have professional models.” Nothing could be further from the truth! Arny and Jarmo have always used non-professional models throughout their entire careers. They have developed techniques over the decades to help the non-professional look like top models! Learn these secrets from Arny and Jarmo as they show you how to make your model pose and look her best!
5. Shoot two beautiful Playboy Playmates and one beautiful STC model
No other workshop offers you an opportunity to watch a Playboy Playmate being shot by a world famous Playboy Centerfold photographer! NO ONE! And, not only that, but on Sunday with our guidance, YOU have the opportunity to photograph a Playmate yourself!
6. Shoot on three professional sets with Arny, Jarmo and Ric’s one-on-one supervision
This is the ONLY place where you will have the opportunity to photograph on three professional sets with the help and supervision of three Playboy photographers and photograph two PLAYBOY Playmates as well as one of Shoot The Centerfold’s beautiful models!
7. Meet Gary Cole & Jeff Cohen; Playboy’s Director of Photography and photo editor/producer
Have you ever heard what a photo director or photo editor/producer is looking for in your work? Here is the chance to hear what they have to say. Gary and Jeff have been with Playboy for well over 60 years, combined! Believe us; they have a LOT to say!
8. Learn to shoot in ambient light using both natural light and strobe (weather permitting)
This is something totally new! Since we are in Miami Beach, we thought it would be a great idea to teach our clients how to work in outdoor locations. We are constantly being asked, “How do you deal with available light?” Let us show you how! We will go outdoors, not at the “golden hour” like so many other seminars do, but show you how to harness the mid-day sun and take control of your light. No need to wait until sunset, learn to shoot ALL day long!
9. Learn how to get the most out of your assistants and crew
This is a completely new area for us. We all need help with our equipment. Learn from the pros how to get your assistants or friends to give you the right help you need. We will discuss equipment lists, renting, preparing, trucking, and setting up various equipment as well as the responsibilities of an assistant.
10. Learn how to use C-stands and other grip equipment
While our instructors help you shoot, their assistants will discuss and demonstrate various grip equipment designed to make your shoot easier. Learn how to set up properly with the help from our professional assistants.
11. Discussions and demos on makeup and wardrobe styling
Listen while our staff of makeup and wardrobe stylists discusses various techniques in makeup and wardrobe styling. Lean how to make your model look her best!
12. Learn proper photographers’ etiquette
Proper conduct is an important part of photography. You want professional models? Then you have to know how to act professionally. Learn some of the basic rules of being a professional photographer. How do you talk to your model? What is appropriate and what isn’t? This is a very important lesson to learn. If you want to be a pro, you need to think like one!
13. How to find and approach models
We hear this all the time. “Where do I find good models?” Let’s discuss and show you the way to find the best models available! Anyone can find models, but how to approach them properly is something worth knowing. It isn’t always easy, but it is certainly worth the effort. Learn a few tricks of the trade!
14. Gary Cole and Jeff Cohen will be available for private one-on-one portfolio review and consultation for an additional charge
Have you ever had a one-on-one session with a professional, top-notch photo director or editor? Probably not! It is almost impossible to get an appointment with these gentlemen unless you are a seasoned professional and well established in your field. Even then, good luck! Well, here is your chance. Beginning at this seminar, we are offering one-on-one portfolio review and consulting services for an additional charge. Just sign up for an individual appointment anytime Saturday with either Gary of Jeff. Don’t be afraid, they won’t bite! You will get an honest and genuine appraisal of your work and suggestion as to how to make it better. Editors always say that photographers are the worst at judging their own work. Well, here is the chance to get a professional opinion!
MIAMI BEACH, FL • January 27, 28 & 29
Friday • Day 1
8:00- 9:00 Course Registrations – schedules and badges distributed
In order to enhance your learning experience. STC participants will be guided by our beautiful model ambassadors.
9:00- 9:30 Introduction by Jon Paulson
9:30- 10:30 Arny Freytag • Arny addresses the group and give a slide show presentation featuring detailed descriptions on classic glamour set-ups and established lighting techniques.
10:45- 11:45 Jarmo Pohjaniemi • Jarmo brings his unique view into focus as he presents a slide show with a detailed description of each images’ process from concept to final print.
12:00- 1:00 Lunch – Attendee has the option of choosing from 3 restaurants on the Shelbourne hotel property of their choice. (Saturday’s and Sunday’s lunch will be provided by Shoot the Centerfold).
1:15- 2:15 Ric Moore • STC’s newest addition Ric is know for his advertising and fashion work as well as his work in Playboy Magazine. Ric discusses his personal philosophy and how his images reflect his distinctive vision with a slide show and discussion of the formation of each photo.
2:30- 5pm
• Arny returns and discusses set design, production, and a very special chat on the perception, visualization and understanding of light.
• Jarmo steps out from behind the camera and goes in front of the computer as he discusses and demonstrates Adobe Photoshop techniques.
5:00- 6:00 Gary Cole and Jeff Cohen speak about the business of photography and building a professional portfolio.
Portfolio Review & Consulting
5:00-6:00 One of the bigger challenges for any photographer has always been to be able get your work seen by top editors and industry specialists.
There has always been plenty of advice out there and they all seem to have the right answers… or do they? Let’s get to the bottom of it and find out what real professionals have to say who have lived, done it all and made history at the same time. It’s not every day that you can get your work in front of photo editor and director who actually makes decisions on what gets published and what does not! Now, all this will be available to you at the Shoot The Centerfold seminars. Get straight answers without fancy, run-around talk. Gary Cole, Playboy’s long-time director of photography for over three decades, and Jeff Cohen, former Playboy editor & executive publisher of Playboy Special Editions, will answer your questions and review your portfolio. You will also receive suggestions and advice about your photography career, as well as how to maximize your photography skills and become truly competitive at photo industry standards.
• Portfolio review and critique.*
• Learn to prepare your images.
• Submission guidelines and preparation.
• Understand how editors work and what they want to see.
• Rights, usages and permissions.
• Assemble a working photo team that is right for you.
• Know how to get to editor’s hearts and stay there.
• Budget expenses and how to get more for less.
• Personality approach, acceptance & denial.
• Learn to grow while under an editor’s supervision.
• Licensing your images.
• What to charge and how to establish a value on your photos.
• How to choose the right model.
• How to get published.
*Portfolio review and consulting is not included on a seminar fee. $250.00 for new attendees and $200.00 for previous attendees. Long term consulting will be available for reduced rates.Why Gary and Jeff?
It is no secret we are our own worst critic when it comes to reviewing and analyzing our own work. This is why magazines have editors. Perhaps we are too close to our work, perhaps we think we are better than we really are, or maybe we just can’t see the forest for the trees. In any case, editors take a step back and judge our work for what it is, without the emotional attachment we might affix to our images.
Because they are free from these photographic attachments, they are able to give us a non-biased opinion. It is not always what you want to hear and often times it is even the exact opposite of what you wanted to hear. However, if you are working for publication you had better get used to it. Many times I thought to myself, “Wow, that’s a great photograph!” only to be shot down by the editor. In the world of professional photography, this is normal… and after a while, you even get used to it. It can still sting, but when you are being paid to do an assignment, you need to first and foremost satisfy your client.
Gary Cole and Jeff Cohen are two of these guys; editors. In fact, they are THE two guys from Playboy Magazine that decide what gets into Playboy. Both Jarmo and I have worked with these two gentlemen for many, many years and have exceptional relationships with both of them. They have outstanding reputations and highly regarded in the photographic community.
This is why we have asked them to come join us at Shoot The Centerfold. They will both be speaking at our Miami Beach event January 27, 28 and 29 as part of our program. Gary and Jeff will be discussing how to get published, what editors look for in photographers, and numerous other topics for those of you who would like a personal portfolio review of your work, which will be available at an additional charge.
If you have ever tried to get an appointment with an editor of a major magazine, you know it is very difficult if not impossible. Getting an editor to even look at your work can be as complicated, much less meeting them face to face.
Thanks to our unique, professional relationship with Gary and Jeff, we are able to provide this service to you, our clients. However, space is limited. If you would like a personal portfolio review, we urge you to let us know in advance and make an appointment as soon as possible. Yes, it will cost extra, but remember, these are two of the best in the business. No one else offers this kind of experience.
Lighting is one of the key factors to consider when taking a good photo. And even though we all know a great shot when we see one, it’s often difficult to understand just how it was lit. We at Shoot The Centerfold will show you step by step & light by light how it’s done.Saturday • Day 2
8:00- 9:00 Course Registrations – schedules and badges distributed
9:00- 9:30 Introduction – Welcome to Day 2 – STC participants will be divided into groups at this time. Each group will take in turns attending Arny, Jarmo and Ric’s presentations and sets over a two-day period on Saturday and Sunday.
9:30- 11:45 A continuance of the first day’s schedule will have STC participants completing their seminar instruction.
• Arny starts with a detailed demonstration of a complex set using his signature multi-light production with a beautiful Playboy Playmate as his model. While doing so, he will also demonstrate how to direct the model and get various expressions, which are a most important part of photography.
Learn from a true master as Arny shows you how to pose your models. He has spent his entire career photographing non-professional, first-time models
• Jarmo demonstrates his signature style of delicately balancing a combination of available light and strobe while shooting. He will also be working with a beautiful Playboy Playmate. Jarmo, who also works with non-professional models, will be demonstrating directing and posing techniques. It will be interesting to see the contrasting techniques used by Arny and Jarmo
• Ric will be demonstrating a simple 3 to 4-light set up, much as you would if you are shooting at home, on location, or in a hotel room. Ric will also explain how to get that beautiful light with the simplest set-up.
• Gary Cole and Jeff Cohen will be available for one-on-one consultations and portfolio reviews.
• Jarmo’s assistant, Michael, will be discussing and demonstrating basic Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Lightroom workflow.
12:00- 1:45 NEW! Arny, Jarmo, Ric will display and demonstrate outdoor lighting techniques (weather permitting).
They will use natural light, portable strobe light and a combination of both to show you how to harness the sun and take control your light.
2:00- 3:00 Lunch (Provided by our sponsors for attendees)
3:15- 5:30 A continuance of the second day’s schedule will have STC participants completing the seminar portion of instruction.
Sunday • Day 3
Here is your opportunity to shoot!
9:00 – 7 PM You will have the opportunity to shoot on Arny, Jarmo and Ric’s sets, all with their own individualized personal lighting and instruction!
In a great opportunity to practice and put to the test what you have learned for the past two days, fantasy will turn into reality as two beautiful Playboy Playmates and one of our gorgeous Shoot The Centerfold models will provide photographers with an experience of shooting their own images.
As you wait your turn to shoot:
• Arny’s assistant will be holding a demonstration on assisting, equipment and production.
• Jarmo’s makeup and wardrobe stylist will be discussing makeup techniques and styling secrets!
• Ric’s assistant will be discussing etiquette and how to find models
Sunday Lunch (Provided by our sponsors for attendees)
Plus, see the latest in Hensel, Lightware, McKenna, Color House, Ilford, Carousel Studio and Sunbounce products.
And don’t forget to try out the new Leica S2! Yes, that’s right, you will have the opportunity to shoot with this amazing new 37 Megapixel camera!