Model Alexa Collins Getting Ready for STC Santorini 2018 – Interview
Model Alexa Collins made her first STC appearance during our last STC Miami and left quite an impression among everyone. All the models sparked fire!
Soon you can read more about that in our upcoming STC seminar summary, but right now though, let’s get to know Alexa a little better.

Alexa selfie
Alexa is a rising star in the modeling world, getting serious attention from the industry. We couldn’t resist being a part of her continuing magical rise to stardom by inviting her to our upcoming Oct 24-31, STC Santorini 2018 seminar.
One of the best parts of Alexa besides her irresistible appearance is her personality. Yes, but we could easily find a million other reasons why we want to take her to Santorini and around the globe with us.
Alexa is not just your average kind of blonde model you meet every day, she has worked with clients such as Lady Lux Swimwear, Agent Provocateur, Holt Miami, Lounge Underwear/intimates, Carmen Sol Italy, and the list goes on.
Santorini happens to be Alexa’s dream location, and she’s spot on about great taste. Get your cameras ready; there’s more to sexy Alexa to come.

Photo: Alexa Collins
STC: Thank you for being a part of the good times at our recent STC Miami 2018. You surely hypnotized our attendees because they can’t stop talking about you! We still wonder what’s your secret sauce; we want some more!
Alexa: Yeah, I get that a lot and my secret recipe is about a perfect balance of blond, smiles and the way I carry myself. That, and little sex-appeal to cherry things up.
STC: You’ve been compared to Sports Illustrated models and Victoria’s Secret models and are in the cherry-picked small selection of elite models who have become the face for swim week and swim-brands.
Alexa: I got to go to the top and its great to know that people think so highly of me. It makes me feel sexy and wanted. I never stop hustling and working hard. Hint hint, dreams do come true!
STC: You also made an impression during the STC One on One session with photographer Michael Stephen and Jarmo Pohjaniemi. What a session it was too! It’s leading to other things coming at a later time. That aside, how do you find you book most of your clients?

Photo: Michael Stephen/Jarmo Pohjaniemi – STC One-on-One
Alexa: That was awesome, and I can’t wait to see the rest of the pictorial. When you work with creative minds and have fun at the same time, it’s honestly an inspiration to give it all I got.
As for impressing clients, I think one of my essential elements is my personality. I get booked a lot after meeting with them. I’m always in good spirits because I genuinely love what I do. I guess my looks might have something to do with it too.
STC: How long have you been modeling and how did you get started?
Alexa: Not long enough, but when you enjoy what you do time flies. I got my start at age 13 with FORD models, and the rest was history.
I consider myself very lucky for having great bookers and clients who believed in me. I find ecstasy in life, the mere sense of living is a joy. I love traveling and meeting new people. It keeps me going.
STC: What can we expect from you at the STC Santorini event this October?
Alexa: White walls, Greek salads and the best of me will challenge the Greek mythology to be re-written. They don’t have a swim-goddess among their gods that I know of. We will see who’s last standing, the white walls or me! I can’t wait to pose in Santorini, its been my dream for a long time. Santorini is always the first place that comes to mind when I think of my ideal shooting location.
STC: Tell us about some of your memorable photographic moments?
Alexa: I’ve had some excellent experiences. Most of them being funny. I love good energy on the set. Good laughs and good times.
STC: Are you single?
Alexa: Sorry to break your heart! But, Santorini is a such a romantic place for lovers, models, and photographers, come and discover your love for photography!
STC: What is one mistake photographers make?
Alexa: Only one? Hmm, let me say this; If you are a professional, regardless of what you do, you’ll go far! But, don’t assume things which are not part of professional etiquette. Choose your actions wisely! I do have two sides in me, which one would you like to meet?

Alexa’s two personalities: The Angel or the Sultry Goddess? You choose.
STC: You seem to be the happiest woman alive. Everyone who comes in contact with you automatically starts smiling and becomes interested. What kind of Kool-Aid are you drinking?
Alexa: I have this energy! It’s mostly quite effective with men and some women. I sometimes wonder what makes men so silly; then I realize it’s my mystical aura and smile. Just don’t try me in the morning, I’m not a morning person even though I’m a people person, and you get a lot more with smiles than a sour face.
STC: Any hobbies?

Photo: Dani Diamond
Alexa: Shopping, I can shop until you drop! I LOVE shopping until I drop dead! Yes, that’s me. Also, I’d say traveling ranks on top, and I like hanging out with people too. I don’t know if they qualify for as hobbies though. Oh yeah, music for sure is my thing! I love going to concerts and shows to hear live music with good friends.
STC: A woman of your abilities must be getting lots of offers all day long. How does one win your heart and get your attention?
Alexa: Want to be my shopping spree-financier? Lol, Just kidding! How does one get the attention of a 22-year-old? Hmm, life at the moment is fun and I love people who are genuine and caring. You must love animals and walk my dog at 5 am in rain or no rain.
Still there? Ok good. I’d say romantic dinners are way overrated but a necessary evil. I’m a straight-forward woman who knows when its right and wrong! If you want to get any woman’s attention, it’s a pure gentleman’s recipe that can’t be explained, only experienced.
STC: If we would take you to dinner and we will be in Santorini, what kind of food should we feed you and not?
Alexa: Well, Greek salad, DUH! I love Greek food; I cannot wait to taste the real thing.

Photo: Vincent Pierce
STC: Red wine or white wine?
Alexa: Definitely white wine over red. But red isn’t wrong either.
STC: Name some of your favorite photographers?
Alexa: Too many to mention. If I have to choose, you need to come to Santorini and make sure to bring your camera and photograph me. Anyone who makes an effort and makes me and the images look beautiful is my favorite photographer.
STC: There you have it. Your utmost attention will be required, or you’ll fall victim to Alexa’s mesmerizing beauty and love just like all of us.
Join STC and Alexa in Santorini, and perhaps you may make her “favorite photographers” list!
Sign up for all new Shoot The Centerfold Santorini 2018!
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