Announcing The Nikon DFB – Burberry Edition
TOKYO – Following on the heels of the revolutionary Nikon DF, the Nikon Corporation is pleased to announce the fashionable DFB – the Burberry Edition, a Nikon FX digital SLR camera. The stylish DFB literally screams “Do more with less, but look sharp while doing it!” The DFB features the beloved 12.1 MP sensor from the Nikon D3 and D700. The file sizes produced by the DFB will be a welcome relief to those who demand smaller file sizes and less photographic detail, and are genuinely concerned about conserving hard drive space.

As part of the Nikon’s Pure Photography initiative, the DFB says goodbye to bothersome automatic focusing. Hearkening back to yesteryear, the DFB relies solely on manual focusing, using a classic split image screen. We have also made the DFB incompatible with VR lenses. When the DFB detects a VR lens, it disables the VR capability. It thus requires photographers to rely on better technique to take sharp images rather than being dependent upon fancy image stabilization technology – just like photographers had to do 50 years ago.
The DFB also eliminates the need to worry about color, as it only produces pure, beautiful black and white photos. We took the dramatic step of eliminating the LCD from the back of the DFB. We believe this radical departure from other DSLR designs will put an end, once and for all, to “chimping,” and allow photographers to spend less time fiddling with their cameras and more time on the art of photography. And similar to the days of film, they will not be able to view their photos while shooting. Only after arriving home and uploading their images to their computer will photographers be able see the results of their efforts.
Perhaps best of all, the DFB sports the classic Burberry pattern, one of the most distinguishable designs in the world. The DFB’s unique look makes a strong, bold statement that will turn the heads of both photographers and those being photographed, particularly the model community. In a world of “me too” digital camera design, the DFB tells others that you care about how your camera looks, want to stand out from the crowd, and are ready to forego all kinds of technological advances – and willing to pay top dollar to do so!
The DFB will be priced at $3,499. The first 1,000 customers will also receive a genuine Burberry umbrella. The DFB is available for pre-order from all Nikon distributors.
Note: If you have made it this far, you probably realize this is a spoof. At Photography Life, we try not to take our camera technology too seriously! As in the broader photography community, there are some very mixed feelings among the writers of Photography Life regarding the Nikon DF. Please don’t contact us with questions such as “Why can’t I seem to find the DFB pre-order links?”
[Via Photographylife] Check out, they’ve got lots of cool stuff for Nikonistas.
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