Join Shoot The Centerfold for the NAB SHOW – April 8-11, 2013 – Las Vegas
Lots of new exciting things are brewing and if you like photography, technology and future-ish stuff, then you need to come to NABSHOW in Las Vegas on April 8-11, 2013. This is the mother of all gizmo shows as far as new, innovation and other cool stuff goes. All major companies will join this mega-showdown to introduce their latest innovations and Shoot The Centerfold is no different. We are all about cutting edge and how to create the best possible products for your usage. Techonology is moving at lighting speed and lighting, photography and visuals is what we know best.
We will be introducing not only photography and videography, but the latest works from STC’s educational side, including our very own STC Shooter camera rig that has been turning the heads of major players in the photo industry. Our ultimate goal is to develop and deliver our visual masterpieces so we can better serve you the photographer and bring you the very best of our knowledge and products. If you’ll be in Vegas April 8-11, come visit STC – Cinemecanic’s booth C-12816 and be the first one to get your hands on to our very latest innovations.
See you in Vegas…