Victoria’s Secret Revealed – Original vs. Retouched Photos
After walking by the Victoria’s Secret store last night, I saw several overly photoshopped images in their windows and it sparked me to post these sample images to show how much “shopping” exactly does go into their images.
In my opinion, it’s quite excessive, but we all understand and accept that publishing is married to “Uncle Adobe,” who has his place in the photo family. Now, especially after constantly hearing from “Bush radio” how Playboy images are overly photoshopped compared to VS, we believe that statement to be completely and utterly false based on the images below.
We have always supported the philosophy and practice of getting your photos to first look right “in-camera” instead of fixing them later in post. Of course, we like tweaking images on posts as well, but keep it to a minimum so it is called “photography,” not digital manipulation. The first thing a Playboy photo director would do after seeing how underexposed these VS images are would be to give us a terse phone call asking, “Just WHAT in the heck is your problem?” or “How long do you want to keep working here?”
On the other hand, the model, Doutzen Kroes, does make up for the flat, slightly underexposed images with zombie-like skin-tones. It’s not our style to mock anyone’s photography, but perhaps we should send the photographer in question a nice, carefully worded note and a few pages from an STC lighting diagram guidebook.
The biggest difference between most of the photos is the pop in colors and brightness from the dull original RAW files, which is to be expected to a certain level. But besides that, it is interesting to see what has changed in post production, including the fine retouching of bulging skin around the armpit area, expression lines in the face, or side skin folds as Kroes pops her hips to one side. The differences are typically subtle, I mean, let’s face it, Kroes is a beautiful supermodel with next to perfect features but it is interesting to study the pictures and see what exactly was changed and why.
One thing that particularly caught my eye was how often they would remove the bra straps from the swimsuits or at times even change the entire color. I’m interested to know why they would do that, if, in fact, they were looking for the best representation of the product in the photos. That is, unless they decided to manufacture the swimsuits that way after the shoot. Check out the photos and description of changes provided by Jezebel and let us know what you think in the comments. Also, do not forget to visit the nice folks at f-Stoppers who were kind enough to let us borrow some of their post images.
Changing the colors of garments in post-production (1) is one of the most common image edits. The photograph’s colors were brightened in general (2) and lighting errors were corrected. Part of Kroes’ back below her armpit has also been removed (3), as have the expression lines on her face (4). The hemline of the swimsuit bottoms has also been redrawn (5).
Again, expression lines have been removed (1), and skin folds created by the exaggerated position of Kroes’ hip have been smoothed (2) along with part of her back below her armpit (3). Aside from the overall color (4), the biggest change of all between the unretouched and retouched images is the removal of her swimsuit strap (5). That’s one way to get the cleavage of a standard swimsuit top in a bandeau: Photoshop.
Notice that this is the same swimsuit seen in our first slide? The color has been changed yet again in post-production. Here expression lines have also been smoothed (1), the folds of skin around the side of Kroes’ back are gone (2), and the faint armpit stubble visible in the unretouched image is gone (3). The hem of the swimsuit has again been adjusted in post-production so that it falls straight across her lap (5)
Here is another strap removal (1). Kroes’ expression lines have again been erased (2).
The natural folds of Kroes’ armpit were erased (1), along with her expression lines (2).
Multiple changes have been made to Kroes’ body along her left side. Folds of skin have been removed (1), along with part of her back visible below the armpit (2), and the area around her armpit where her pectoral muscle was previously visible has been extensively smoothed and modified (3). The nude underwear originally visible underneath the swimsuit bottoms has also been edited out (4).
A bruise on Kroes’ right hip has been removed (1) and her abdominal muscles have had some of their tone retouched away (2).
Wrinkles in the swimsuit have been magically smoothed out (1) and Kroes’ expression lines were — once again — taken away (2).
Kroes’ abs are looking a little smoother and less defined in the Photoshopped image than they are in the original on the left (1). And once again, the swimsuit top has been magically turned into a bandeau (2). Kroes’ expression lines are gone (3).
Notice how they straightened out the horizon line (1). There were also changes made to her right armpit.
Gone are Kroes’ expression lines (1), some of the definition to her abs (2), and the hair that spilled out behind her shoulders (3). Also gone are the fingers of her left hand (4).
Folds of skin along Kroes’ side have been smoothed out (1), along with veins in the crook of her arm (2) and the area around her armpit (3). Shadows have been deleted from her abs, making them look less toned (4). The nude underwear is gone (5).
Another total garment color change (1).
Note that this is the same swimsuit as seen previously, except that here the color has been altered. Kroes’ expression lines have also been smoothed (1), along with the skin around her armpit (2) and the veins in crook of her arm (3).