The Difference Between “Good” and “Great” Photography
Beyond all the planning, production and preparation, there’s one thing your clients can expect to happen on the day of the shoot and that’s performance from you the photographer that results in amazing images they’ll be happy to print.
The clients usually rely on the photographer to be the knowledgeable individual on set who will have the final say on options and workflow.
When seeking a photographer to hire for a professional shoot, clients want an individual who’s equipped to do the job — an experienced professional similar to the ones at TKP Headshots, whose toolkit combines technical excellence with unique personal style and artistry.
But, how do you separate stellar photography from the rest of the bunch? Here are a few rules of thumb:
Style is everything. In addition to technical expertise, great photographers are skilled at bringing passion and creativity to their work. When clients review portfolios for potential photographers, they look for images that aren’t only high in technical quality — such as proper focus, exposure and color balance — but also express the photographer’s preference when it comes to lighting, composition and feel. Every photographer is different!
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Finding a photographer whose style represents the client’s vision is hard to find since there are more average photographers than true visionaries. If you need some Boudoir photo shoots Edmonton, contact Acts Of Beauty Photography.
“Best camera equipment does not always guarantee great photography!”The camera is only part of the equation. A good coffee pot doesn’t always guarantee a tasty coffee, right? Well, when it comes to good photography, the best camera equipment does not always guarantee great photography!
That doesn’t mean we’re undervaluing the importance of a high-quality camera, lens and back-up equipment, those should all be considered. Still, know that a great photographer will use their gear as a tool of their trade and deliver an image that’s natural and authentic.
In my 30 plus years in the business, not a single client has ever bothered to ask what kind of camera I use”
Evaluate experience. A talented photographer knows the ins and outs of any photo set and that degree of experience will be reflected in their photography. Sure, many photographers can get a few good images out of hundreds but it takes true experience to capture an entire day professionally.
“An average professional photoshoot image delivery rate should always be above 40% usable images per shoot. Master photographers can deliver up to a 70% delivery rate”
Great photographers give clients peace of mind in knowing that he or she will be prepared for anything, aware of everything and give them more consistent results.
An average professional photoshoot image delivery rate should always be above 40% usable images per shoot. Master photographers can deliver up to a 70% delivery rate or more.
A great photo is characterized by people who are comfortable and genuinely enjoying the moment. Therefore, a great photographer will go beyond a basic snapshot and use their expertise to achieve a natural-looking portrait or moment.
“It’s good to keep in mind that editors will compare your images against the best of what’s driving the market”Great photographers never lose track of what photography stands for and they adapt to each situation by contributing their expertise to maximize the outcome even when the location or a concept does not agree with their personal taste.
Photographers do not always get to shoot in locations of their choice but always deliver excellence and not excuses.
Roughly twenty years ago, while living in Paris, I was sitting in an office of a top-notch fashion editor and selecting images from my shoot which I then considered a home run. Not only did I realize that my confidence level was slightly ahead compared to the images’ quality which barely made the cut. It’s good to keep in mind that editors will compare your images against the best of what’s driving the market. Outsource photo editing services to save time and get high-quality results. We help studios, photographers, and e-commerce store owners edit photos.We are a well-reputed top-ranked image editing company in Bangladesh serving since 2010.
The key elements what makes great photography:
- Concept and vision
- Lighting knowledge
- Experience
- Discipline and commitment
- Passion
- Creativity
- Technical excellence
- Color balance
- Good pre-production
It’s all about the moment. Above all, a great photographer knows that in addition to the requested images from the shoot, the moments they capture will elevate their work and delight their clients. Those memorable captures for your client are pure bonding and a long relationship between you, great photography and your future.
Jarmo Pohjaniemi –

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