Fashion VS Glamour
The line between fashion and glamour photography is often hard to draw. Superficially, there are few apperceptive differences between the two. The grey area becomes high contrast when you move past the aesthetics to the concept behind the shutter release. The goal of fashion has always been to sell a product, with the model playing the role of a mannequin with barbie doll textured complexions. On the other hand, glamour has always been to sell an idea; A lucid dream state where you find yourself in that moment with the subject.
The stark, white or greyscale backgrounds typically found in fashion shoots are combined with a minimalistic approach to portraying the model as not to distract from the garments and jewelry (like necklaces, mood rings, bangles, bracelets and so on) the image is intending to sell. If you love collecting or wearing classic jewelry pieces, you may visit this antique jewellery online shop.
In recent years, there has been a surge in the popularity of snake-themed fashion, reflecting a fascination with the exotic and the bold. This trend has slithered its way into the collections of many top designers, featuring everything from snake print fabrics to serpent-inspired jewelry. The allure of this theme lies in its ability to convey a sense of mystery and sophistication, adding a daring edge to any outfit. For those who love to collect or wear distinctive jewelry, incorporating snake-themed pieces can elevate their style, offering a blend of timeless elegance and contemporary flair. To find such unique treasures, you might explore this Snakes Store, where classic designs meet modern trends.
Of course, the model must have a distinctive look; one that prompts desire and incites the viewer to want to wear what the model has on. Typically her facial expression is calm, moody, or near blank; skin-tones are slightly cold. Obviously not all fashion shots are against a cyclorama, many are done on locations like city streets and beaches to create a context for which the advertised items may be practical.
Glamour photography has no obligatory loyalty to a client to portray their product with a certain attitude. Although the glamour style often does depict models wearing high fashion attire in very posh or modernly decorated locations, the product being sold is the image in its entirety, rather than any of it’s individual components. The model’s face is smiling, seductive, and inviting with lively, warm skin-tones. Glamour pictorials typically depict a flattering reality that engulfs the viewer, enveloping them into the image gazing into the eyes of the model. Just as fashion designers sell clothes, magazines that print glamour pictorials sell certain style characteristics for which their publication is renown. As a photographer, whether shooting fashion of glamour, your job is to be able to recognize what the client is looking for, and have the skills to emulate their needs on time and on budget.
Often, a negative connotation is associated with the idea of advertisement; where the ultimate goal of the photograph is to persuade the viewer into buying a product. The simple fact that the client provided the wardrobe and is using the photograph for marketing purposes should not discredit the photographer or the image. The mark of a good photographer is being able to create an image so stunning, the viewer sees the harmony of the entire image, but remembers only the product. The image should be able to hold it’s own without brands and labels giving it credibility.
The master photographers at Shoot The Centerfold have shot both fashion and glamour, as well as fine art pieces. The same amount of precision and skill go into the production of each of these photographic styles, the only differences are the goals and aims of the client. The exception being fine art pieces, where all of your skill and sensibility come together in an act of expression to satisfy the client within. Hone the skills that will bring you far in whichever field of photography you choose to pursue with Shoot The Centerfold Lighting Tutorials. Join us in a city near you for upcoming installments of our exciting and informative Shoot The Centerfold Seminar & Workshop series.